Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Ash Wednesday

REMEMBER YOU ARE DUST, UNTO DUST YOU SHALL RETURN   What is the meaning of Ash Wednesday?  It's returning to Jesus:

  • Help us to show mercy to one another
  • Root our fasting in deeds of justice and love for the poor
  • Increase our almsgiving and our generosity toward those in need


Recycled Page



MARCH 5, 2014  ASH WEDNESDAY  BEGINNING OF LENTEN JOURNEY   The ashes which are distributed today were made from old palm branches given out last year on Palm Sunday.  The practice of using last year's palms for this year's ashes is not a new ritual, but it actually dates back to the 12th century.  Some parishes hold special "palm burning" ceremonies in the weeks or days before Ash Wednesday.  This practice is common in other countries, such as the Philippines where palms are burned on the day before Ash Wednesday.

You are dust and unto dust you shall return

Recycled Page  Published 3/5/14


February 25, 2009

Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten Season. For me, it's always a good beginning to go to church early in the morning and follow the way of the Lord.  I always take this praise to heart and soul, as the priest make the sign of the cross on my forehead with ashes  from last year's burned palms, "Thou art dust and unto dust you shall return."
It's the most solemn tradition in the Christian world - praying, fasting and almsgiving in silence.  What am I going to do and choose in my fasting? Whatever it is, it will always be acceptable to our God.
Have a Lent of grace and a purpose driven life!

Published  2/25/09  ust1611 multiply
Web Page:  Lenten Season

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