Saturday, December 22, 2012

Live Christmas Every Day

Christmas cactus blooming all month of December 2012

By Helen Steiner Rice

Christmas is more than a day
at the end of the year,
More than a season of joy and good cheer,
Christmas is really
God's pattern of living
To be followed all year by unselfish giving...
For the holiday season awakens good cheer
And draws us closer to those we hold dear,
And we open our hearts and find it is GOOD
To live among men AS WE ALWAYS SHOULD...
But as soon as the tinsel
is stripped from the tree
The spirit of Christmas fades silently
Into the background of daily routine
And is lost in the whirl
of life's busy scene.
And all unawares we miss and forego
The greatest blessing that mankind can know...
For if we lived Christmas each day,
as we should,
And made it our aim to always do good,
We'd find the lost key to meaningful living
That comes not from GETTING,
but from unselfish GIVING.

[From: My First Christmas card mailed to family & Friends]

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