Friday, May 22, 2015

UST Signs & Iowa Reunion in ViaTimes

SCHOOL SIGNS ON UST WALLS   Alumni may have missed these during their college days

Photos courtesy of Marilou Cruz

Recycled Page


A photo of USTPMTBBAA Reunion & Dinner Dance in Iowa was published in the July 2010 issue of ViaTimes  - a popular Filipino news magazine in Chicago, Illinois founded by Veronica Leighton more than 20 years ago to serve the Filipino- American community.  It was featured with other news of the month in Elsie Sy-Niebar's Notebook.   We'd like to wish Elsie a good and speedy recovery from her eye operation.

Published 8/16/10  ust1611 multiply
Web Page: USTPMTBBAA Iowa Reunion in ViaTimes News Magazine

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