Friday, January 24, 2014

Seasons of Life


Mary and Baby Jesus tapestry


It has a beautiful design, but if you look at the other side, it's a mess.  Threads are hanging out and all twisted up.  If I only saw that side of the tapestry, I would never guess that there's such a beauiful design on the other side.

Sometimes I see life from the underside.  Life can seem like a mess.  But God can see the topside, the beautiful design.  God takes my mistakes, the setbacks, and the bad things done to me, and weaves them into something beautiful.

Consider Joseph and Mary.  There was confusion, perplexity, perhaps sharp words exchanged.  Joseph was going to divorce Mary.  They didn't know that out of this unplanned (on their part) pregnancy was going to come the beautiful story of the Savior's birth.

Like Mary and Joseph, if I entrust all my problems and concerns to God, God will weave them into something beautiful, whose pattern I will only see in the next life.

From:The Little Blue Book  Advent and Christmas seasons  2013-2014


This is so true:
"If you give up when it's winter, you will miss the promise of your spring, the beauty of your summer and the fulfillment of your fall."
Attachment: Seasons_of_Life.pps

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Published  2/10/10  ust1611 multiply
Web Page: Seasons of Life

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