Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Most Holy Trinity

O most holy Trinity
Undivided unity
Holy God, mighty God
God immortal be adored!

Recycled Web Page      5/31/15


June 3, 2012

O God, almighty Father,
Creator of all things,
The heavens stand in wonder,
While earth your glory sings,
O most holy Trinity,
Undivided unity,
Holy God, mighty God,
God immortal be adored!
O Jesus, Word incarnate,
Redeemer most adored,
All glory, praise, and honor
Be yours, O sovereign Lord.
O God, the Holy Spirit,
Who lives within our soul,
Send forth your light and lead us
To our eternal goal.

"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them on the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.  And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age." - Mt 28:19-20

Many years ago, I was watching the Tonight show that was then hosted by Johnny Carson.  His guest that night was an actor and after a while the talk somehow got to his opinion of religion.  He said he did not understand the Holy Trinity (and church teachings of god this and god that).  Something like that.  I believe he's not the only one who does not understand or try to understand.  There are so many among us.  One thing that I do understand - the Holy Trinity is a mystery.  It's faith that sustains many believers.  The Apostle's Creed reveals and manifests the Holy Trinity.

Published 6/3/12  ust1611 multiply
Web Page: The Most Holy Trinity

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