Dearest God Our Father, I humbly ask that on my journey home to You, Your Holy Angels protect and guide me; that Your Blessed Saints in Heaven intercede for me; and that Your Suffering Souls in Purgatory pray for me, as I pray for them now.
Dearest Father, as Your Child, I ask - that You send Mary to guide me to Jesus, and that Jesus sends me the Holy Spirit so that they may all bring me to You. That You dwell with me and in me - a living temple prepared by Mary, dedicated by Jesus, and purified by your Holy Spirit. And may I always be with You and in You. That You permit me, as Your child, to be Your true and intimate friend - one who loves You above all things. And that You come for me when I die, to bring me home to you.
I further ask You, Father, for the sake of all mankind:
To have mercy on all your children - past, present and future.
To bring peace to the world and to gather all Your children to Yourself.
And that Your Kingdom comes and Your Will is done on earth as it is in heaven.
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Dear Heavenly Father, I bow before Thee in the quiet of this hour, first to thank you for the dawn of a new day full of Thy promises. Help me to be completely unselfish when I ask for the privilege of placing my whole being in Thy hands for today: Please protect and guide me and make each day a blessing for longer and fruitful life.
Merciful God, give me strength for the testing times and may I be given the privilege of serving God Almighty in the fullest extent - by putting my trust in YOU completely.
When I am heavy burdened, give me strength. When I am wearied by life's difficulties, uplift and renew me. When I am ill or troubled, lead me to rest secure in your infinite goodness.
Now, Heavenly Father, all is in Thy hands I meet this day. Knowing Thy will be done, ...Amen.
I pray for ZenyH - for her fast recovery to health from her knee surgery.