Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Feast of Saint Lucy (Santa Lucia) Video

LINK  http://youtu.be/Mk0FyZqNp5Q

Today, December 13th, is the Feast of Saint Lucy (283-304 A.D.) of Syracuse, Sicily.  She was an early Christian who was tortured and martyred by removing her eyes with a fork for refusing to marry a pagan, instead consecrating her virginity to God.  She is the Patron Saint of the Blind.  Saint Lucy is celebrated by candle lights in the kingdom of Sweden.

Off the beaten path traveler Rick Steves who can be seen any day, anytime on PBS has a full program called Rick Steves' European Christmas (DVD, CD, European Christmas Book) with a special feature on the festival of Saint Lucy in Norway, among other things.
I went to the 7:30 am Mass for the blessings of my eyes.  Amen.

"Those whose hearts are pure are temples of the Holy Spirit."
+Saint Lucy+

Published  12/13/11   ust1611  multiply
Web Page:  Feast of St. Lucy (Santa Lucia)

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