The Singing Nun, Jeanine Deckers of Dominican Third Order, left the cloister in Belgium in 1966, three years after her hit song Dominique. She gave the royalties to the church and dedicated her life in the caring of children. The Belgian government was relentless in telling her she owed them more than $162,000 in back taxes. The high price of success. On April 2, 1985, she died of massive dose of sedatives and had committed suicide due to depression. The Singing Nun stopped singing at the age of 52.
Recycled Web Page August 2014
He was born around 1225 A.D. in Roccasecca in Sicily. He was sent to a Benedictine monastery in nearby Monte Cassino but later chose to become a Dominican friar.
Birthplace of St. Thomas
He attended the University of Cologne where he was nicknamed "Dumb Ox" because he was fat and also because he listened more than he spoke. He got his doctorate at the University of Paris.
Thomas was quickly recognized as a brilliant philosopher and theologian. At age 31, he began writing his famous book opus Summa Theologica. He wanted to bring together and show how they formed a unified whole in one book, the sum of many volumes, all the truths of the Catholic faith.
Thomas wrote in the Summa Theologica the many gifts of the Holy Spirit, the third person in the Holy Trinity (appearing as a dove) and defining each as:
Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Strength, Knowledge: Direct the Intellect
Fortitude, Reverence, Fear of the Lord: Direct the Will Toward God
Thomas Aquinas died on March 7, 1274. He was canonized less than 50 years later.
He was named Doctor of the Church on this day of April 11,1567.
Thomas seemed to lose his faith when he saw Jesus suffered and died. He, Peter and the other apostles left everything wholeheartedly, their hopes and dreams, to follow Jesus. Now they felt like fools!
But they never gave up. They never gave up on Jesus even though they were afraid and confused. After the resurrection, Peter ran to the tomb and who swam to shore when he saw Jesus standing there. And Thomas, who was absent when Jesus first appeared at the upper room, later exclaimed: "My Lord and My God."
Have a Divine Mercy Sunday! (The whole of humanity needs it).
Published 4/11/10 ust1611 multiply
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