Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Secret

The path He made for you,
You just know in your heart
You are doing what you are meant to do.
When God puts something in your heart,
You have to follow!

             - Jennifer Ueckert,   Studio  JRU

I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life


Sharing my secret now.  I was at a birthday party yesterday and I was asked by a friend "what's my secret?"  I assumed what's my secret of staying young.  I said a lot of things - eating my favorite foods, no stress, et cetera.  I think this is much better.

From: ltumang
Subject: FW: (The Secret) (lc)
Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2012 20:52:52 -0500

The Secret

One day, one friend asked another,

' How is it that you are always so happy?
You have so much energy,
And you never seem to get down.. '
Description: Description: Description:<br /><br />2.3452450975@web125707.mail.ne1.yahoo.com
Description: Description: Description:<br /><br />1.3452450975@web125707.mail.ne1.yahoo.com

With her eyes smiling, she said,

' I know the Secret! '
' What secret is that? '
To which she replied,
I'll tell you all about it,
But you have to promise to
Share the Secret with others. '
Description: Description: Description:<br /><br />1.3452450975@web125707.mail.ne1.yahoo.com
Description: Description: Description: 2.3452450975@web125707.mail.ne1.yahoo.com

LETS PRAY Description: Description:<br /><br />Description:<br /><br />5.3452450975@web125707.mail.ne1.yahoo.com
Father in the
name of Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God, I pray you open doors for the person who sent me this as well as those I am sending it to. Only you can open doors no man can close and for that we honor you today. Thank you for the open doors of life, health, strength, prosperity, wealth, and love. Also, thank you for closing the doors of death, sickness, weakness, despair, poverty, and bitterness. We love you today Lord and give you all the glory and all the praise. I seal this prayer in Jesus name, Amen!!!

God closes doors no person can open & God opens doors no person can close. Even if you do not need God to open some doors for you, pass it on anyway.

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Published  7/9/12  ust1611 multiply
Web Page:  The Secret

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