Sunday, December 9, 2012


THE ROSARY IS A DEVOTION AS WELL AS A POWERFUL PROTECTION AGAINST EVIL.  Some of the battles won attributed to the Rosary are:
  • The Battle of Lepanto in 1571 in which the Church commemorates on October 7th as the feast of Holy Rosary
  • The Battle of Vienna in 1683
  • The Battle of Belgrade in 1716
  • After World War II, the Allies partitioned Austria into four zones.  The Russians were in control of the most important section; Moscow, interested in maintaining its control in Austria, garrisoned a very large number of troops there.  It was then that a Franciscan priest, Fr. Petrus Pavlicek, began a Rosary Crusade to save Austria.  The Communists tried many times to take complete control but were not successful.  In the meantime Fr. Petrus continued with his crusade and by April 1955 the crusade had 500,000 members.  The Chancellor of Austria was summoned to Moscow, and was received on May 13th.  Today, a day of Fatima, the Russians are still hardened.  Pray to the Mother of God that she aid the Austrian people.  It seemed all was lost, but it was this moment that God intervened.  In May 1955 there was a miracle.  The Russians suddenly granted independence to Austria.  During the thanksgiving ceremony in Vienna all the speeches attributed victory to the Virgin of Rosary.
  • In 1964 Brazil came under Communist control and it was quite probable that all of South America would fall.  Fr. Patrick Peyton had been organizing the Family Rosary Crusade in Brazil and during that time 5.5 million people attended.  Once again the Rosary was victorious.  The civil and military chiefs of the liberators were almost unanimous in attributing the victory to Our Lady of Rosary.
  • On April 25, 1974 the Communists came to power in Portugal.  Four teachers launched a National Rosary Crusade and obtained pledges of a million Rosaries.  In November of 1975, without bloodshed, the Communists relinquished their power.
  • In 1952 Bishop Fulton J. Sheen wrote "The World's First Love", a beautiful book about Our Lady.  It includes a prophetic chapter titled "Mary and the Muslims".  Bishop Sheen makes it very clear that it is no mere accident that the Blessed Mother, in the 20th century, should have revealed herself in the little village of Fatima, so that to all future generations she would be known as Our Lady of Fatima.  Fatima was the name of Mohammed's daughter.  Bishop Sheen that Our Lady of Fatima would convert the Muslims.
On November 9, 1976, Karol Cardinal Wojtyla (Pope John Paul II) said: "We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has gone through.  I do not think that wide circles of American society or wide circles of Christian community realize this fully.  We are now facing  the final confrontation between the Church and the Anti-Church, of the gospel versus the anti-Gospel".

The fact that our culture has surrendered so many of its core Christian values to the Culture of Death fuels their determination to convert or destroy us.  We must ask Mary for the grace to convert our enemies and ourselves.  Our prayers and the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will help to establish the reign of Christ the King.  There is one consolation in America's desolation in no longer a "Christian Nation" - The promise Sister Lucia attributed to Our Lady, "IN THE END, MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH."

 If you are already praying a rosary a day, just add the intention of the National Rosary Crusade to that rosary.

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